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The Washington Ballet (TWB) and The Washington School of Ballet (TWSB), in partnership with our host venues, follow CDC guidance and District of Columbia mandates regarding highly contagious illnesses such as COVID-19. Because the health and welfare of our entire community remain our most important priorities, TWB has put in place the following policies, procedures, and protocols:  


If a TWB employee tests positive for a highly contagious illness, such as COVID-19, they will follow all CDC recommendations or District of Columbia mandates for masking, isolation, or quarantine. In the event of another COVID-19 surge or a new variant of concern arises, our guidance will adjust accordingly. 

For TWB Season Performances 

All audience members must follow venue requirements for safety protocols including, but not limited to masking or vaccination status. 

The Washington School of Ballet 

If a student tests positive for a highly contagious illness, such as COVID-19, they will follow all CDC recommendations or District of Columbia mandates for masking, isolation, or quarantine. Summer program students should communicate with school administration about illness-related absences if they miss a class. School Year students should communicate with the head of their program about illness-related absences if an absence is anticipated to be over 3 class-periods.  Students may choose to wear masks during classes or rehearsals any time they feel it is necessary.

Masking or a modified drop-off & pick-up procedure may be required to prevent the spread of illness in classes and rehearsals during cold & flu season. Communication with participants via the website or email will indicate special requirements. 

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